viernes, 10 de enero de 2025

Micro expressions, body language 0.2


Of all the different types of body language gestures, I find the topic of Micro Expressions to be the most fascinating. Let me first define the concept and why it contains so much information, then I will follow with several examples and references so you can study this nearly endless and intriguing area of body language.

A microexpression is a very quick departure from ambient body language. It is usually in response to a reaction inside the person to something said or something going on in his mind. The duration of a microexpression is usually about 1/30 of a second. It is faster than a blink, yet it contains all kinds of information about the person's mental state.

The scary part about microexpressions is that the person making them is almost never aware of doing them. They happen so fast and are part of the person's total mental state that there is no cognition of them happening. However, and this is the dangerous part, the gesture is very evident to the other person, either on a conscious or subconscious level.

Let me share an example so you can see how fleeting these expressions are.  Here is a video of me talking about “Planting a Seed of Trust in the First 10 Seconds.” I give several tips to enhance trust when first meeting another person.  The first one is to watch your attitude.

C.f and

sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2024


STEAM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics). Es la integración de las distintas disciplinas de forma cohesionada que permite a los alumn@s resolver problemas de la vida real. Este aprendizaje se basa en el interés del alumnado, a partir de experiencias que ya conocen, utilizadas para formar nuevos conocimientos; favoreciendo un pensamiento crítico, trabajar la creatividad, la comunicación, conceptos relacionados con las ciencias, Tics, de forma lúdica.

Os animo a participar proactivamente en este blog para ir definiendo mejor que entendéis vosotr@s mis alumn@s por STEAM así como por TIC y hablemos en clase de ello para ir mejorando tod@s


martes, 29 de octubre de 2024

Some advise about academic writing


 • Consider carefully what each question or topic requires and keep your answers focused. Do not simply pour out whatever you can recall about an author. Read the questions and topics carefully and answer exactly what you are asked. Providing extraneous information will not add to your mark

. • Concepts of literary theory (genre, imagery, style, rhetoric, etc) should be clear. Confusing them often results in unsatisfactory answers. 

• All your answers should be discursive and not schematic. Do not provide notes: these should be organized and integrated to produce a coherent and cohesive text.

 • Avoid contradictions and use a suitable register.

 • In topics that require a comparative approach, do not write independent blocks of information, one for every author or text involved. These must be set against each other, before deriving conclusions.

 • Most of our questions require you to critically analyze and compare texts and not reproduce fragments from secondary sources you have memorized.

 • Manage your time. Do not write a lengthy answer to one of the questions, since this will leave you with insufficient time to write the other two answers. Remember to leave some time at the end to review your answers and proofread them as much as you can. 

• Do not prevent your ideas from getting across successfully: avoid spelling mistakes, make sure that the syntax is correct and your writing legible. 

Invitame a un café anda. Buy me a coffee will you please.

Coffee for Wilko please

Women´s lib

Talking about women´s lib in class I thought we could have a look at "salt n pepa" and improve our "snappy" pace.

The snappy pace here means to help improve our pace. A normal person utters 175 words per minute but many people do many more, which is a great way to improve the linking of the words when speaking English. Please excuse the sexy language but here it is meant for a purpose and also useful to make us think in our "gender" in the anglophone world-class of ENGLISH.

Best, Wil

Invitame a un café anda. Buy me a coffee will you please.

Coffee for Wilko please

martes, 22 de octubre de 2024

Alice Walker almost 40 years later. Beautiful document don't miss it:


Internationally celebrated activist, self-termed womanist, and author of the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Color Purple, “an American novel of permanent importance” (San Francisco Chronicle), Alice Walker is a canonical figure in American letters. Her creative vision is rooted in the economic hardship, racial terror, and folk wisdom of African American life and her writing explores multidimensional kinships among women and the redemptive power of social and political revolution. This conversation will explore the transformative effect of Walker’s life and body of work and honor the profound effect both Walker and her work have had on foregrounding black female experiences, relationships, and narratives. Walker will also discuss and share from her new bilingual collection of poetry, Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart.

Invitame a un café anda. Buy me a coffee will you please.

Coffee for Wilko please

Alice Walker continued. Interview from 1989. Please also look at my older posts on Alice from 2015 and 2016

 Internationally acclaimed author Alice Walker talks

about growing up poor in rural Georgia and the experiences

that led her to become a writer.

"I have learned to love Georgia even further"

Invitame a un café anda. Buy me a coffee will you please.

Coffee for Wilko please

martes, 14 de mayo de 2024

How to prepare an English test?

  General tips.

Practice, practice, practice. A simple search on your internet browser will take you to dozens of free online quizzes designed specifically for the test you will be taking, and you should also be able to find examples of past papers, along with answers and a grading rubric. The UNED has specific online data-base

General tips for the rest of your life

  1. Sign up for an online language exchange. ...
  2. Change your smartphone's language to English. ...
  3. Take a free practice test. ...
  4. Download some fun language-learning apps. ...
  5. Label things around your home. ...
  6. Write short stories or keep a journal in English. ...
  7. Read books, magazines, and articles in English. ...
  8. Tune into your favorite TV show or movie.

Writing tips for English proficiency exams
  1. Familiarise yourself with the format of the writing test in advance. ...
  2. Find examples of the writing tasks for the relevant exam. ...
  3. Prepare by practising writing. ...
  4. Write clearly. ...
  5. Pay attention to the time. ...
  6. Think and plan. ...
  7. Think about your target audience to decide the style of writing.                                                                                                                                                                                                          Invítame a un café anda. Buy me a coffee will you please.Coffee for Wilko please

martes, 7 de mayo de 2024

Wie weit entfernt (nah) ist der Horizont?

 Astrophysik und neue Kunst? Stellt gerne Fragen zu dem Thema: Wie weit entfernt (nah) ist der Horizont? Guckt euch doch mal das Video dazu an. Gerne beantworten wir eure  Fragen zu diesem Projekt den Nähe und Entfernung. Riesige elektomagnetische Strahlung aus der Ferne weicht zurück in der Zeit?

WvP Funámbulo

  1. Invítame a un café anda. Buy me a coffee will you please.

    Coffee for Wilko please

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024

Sun screen

 Great video you all might love about "living your life" and some recommendations that would not only improve your English but make you think about your life itself.

  1. Invítame a un café anda. Buy me a coffee will you please.

    Coffee for Wilko please