martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

It is fun to be someone entirely different

Once again we have started -last week- to resume classes at the UNED (Spanish Public University of Distance Education) and I continue, an other year now, teaching(US Lit to 1900 including Emily Dickinson),  Gender and Sexuality. Critical Theories, Critical Thinkers (Chris Beasley)  and Feminism Women´s writing (Catherin Riley and Lynne Pearce)among other subjects.

It is rather dificult to define this gender and what I have started to do with my students reminding them of course of what is meant by classical Gendres (Genders) in literature like: Drama, Romance, Satire etc is the fact that this is a rather new gender to be defined further still. Years after teaching this class now I have started to speak in class about a Gender within Gender.

I like that thought even though I find it difficult to explain it is exactly what is to be done in the future. In recent years I have seen certain tendencies to confuse Gendre with femisist writings or sexist gender and sexuality. That is to say that sides are formed and I end up with arguments in class in favour of or against and appraisals of one or the other.
Sincerly today I believe that we should not confuse feminist writings, with politics with machos or extremist lesbian or gay theories. See the theory of King Kong (pdf) or the female Chauvinist Pigs (pdf). (Search them online hahahaha). But rather a fun way to write. Learn to write?

Moreover I would like to break a spear in favor of what I call "gender within a gender" as an approach to modern feminist literature. Not a sexist thing but as something that would show how fun it is to be someone entirely different. A narrators voice that can be sexless, female, gay, transvestite or hermafrodite. No matter what just for the fun of it just like cosplay ; )

 Picture source: The Guardian

Dr.Wilko von Prittwitz for

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